리눅스용 가계부 프로그램 - iFreeBudget


멀티플랫폼을 지원한다.
아래는 사이트에서 소개된 특징들...

List of features

  1. Intuitive and easy to use
  2. Manage multiple profiles with different set of accounts in each profile
  3. Cross platform, will run on any computer with Java virtual machine installed
  4. Online banking support for credit card and bank accounts.
  5. Manage expenses and track account balances
  6. Password based encrypted data for security
  7. Generate reports
  8. Create and save complex filters to search transaction history.
  9. Charts and graphs for assets, liabilities, daily networth tracking
  10. View stock prices/quotes. Graphs tracking historical prices
  11. Address book. Store contacts, email, phone numbers
  12. Import OFX data for banks and credit cards. Supports latest quicken format
  13. Import outlook contacts. Import contacts from Yahoo, gmail etc.
  14. Multi language support (English, German, Dutch)
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