'Linux'에 해당되는 글 65건

  1. 2008.09.01 Nemiver - gnome 환경에서의 gdb 디버거
  2. 2008.08.06 삼바 옵션 - usershare
  3. 2008.08.04 vmware-tools 모듈 컴파일 시 에러 생길 때 해결 법 - vmware on the windows(guest linux) 2
  4. 2006.11.13 [ubuntu] ientd & tftp 설치 주의
  5. 2006.09.15 한영키 설정하기

Nemiver - gnome 환경에서의 gdb 디버거

사용자 삽입 이미지


gdb 기반의 그놈 환경 디버거
간단하게 구성되어 있다.

삼바 옵션 - usershare

* usershare owner only = False(True)
>> 해당 디렉토리 권한이 있는 사람만 공유할 수 있도록 설정 할 수 있다.

vmware-tools 모듈 컴파일 시 에러 생길 때 해결 법 - vmware on the windows(guest linux)


Ubuntu 8.04 was recently released and continues its tradition of adding some real polish to Linux. I’ve been consistently impressed with their goals and progress - everything from improvements to Gnome and included applications to making Xorg “bulletproof” and seamless transition from Windows.

VMware Tools, whereart thou?

Unfortunately, Linux 2.6.24 (which ships with Ubuntu 8.04 and will be shipping with all other Linux distros shortly) moved some headers and symbols around, and breaks VMware Tools. VMware has not been at all forthcoming regarding updates to fix this, but fortunately their “open” offshoot works well - there’s just no simple way to install the open tools. So we’re stuck with:

  1. No tools, which works decently. Many glitches seen in the betas have been resolved, and networking, video, etc all work fine out of the box, but things like shared folders and clipboard sync are out.

  2. Official tools that don’t compile, but could be installed trivially.

  3. Open tools that compile, but cannot be easily installed.

From the forums, I get the sense that this is not at all unusual on Linux, and is sorely disappointing.

This reminds me of the early days of Safari/WebKit, when one had to build WebKit from source and set up environment variables to use it. These days you can just click a link and it downloads a nice wrapper application that does it all. No fuss, no muss, and it allows anyone to easily use WebKit while waiting for the official Safari builds to catch up.

A model to copy, VMware. Please take note!

In the meantime...

In the meantime there is a solution, courtesy of Mufassa on the forums. He’s only posted once, but it’s a gem - in essence, compile the open tools, and then package them up for installation by the official tools install script. Works like a charm!

So, the basic steps are:

  1. Install any dependencies not shipped with a default Ubuntu install

  2. Get the official and open tools, and extract them

  3. Compile the open tools

  4. Rename and tar them as expected by the official tools

  5. Overwrite the official tools archives with the open ones

  6. Install them using the official tools install script

First, you’ll need to add several packages, either via Synaptic or apt-get:

  1. build-essential, libgtk2.0-dev, libproc-dev, libdumbnet-dev

  2. xorg-dev OR libX11-dev, libxinerama-dev, libxrandr-dev, libxtst-dev

A couple of these are new - according to this bug report, libdumbnet and libproc were added as dependencies in the 2008-04-14 version of the tools, so other guides you see likely won’t list these.

Next, download and untar both the open tools and the official ones:

  1. Open VM Tools at SourceForge

  2. Offical Tools are included on an iso that can be mounted via the standard VMware GUI - when mounted you want the tar.gz, not the rpm.

  3. Move these somewhere convenient; I recommend the desktop.

  4. Use “tar -xvzf *.tar.gz” to expand.

Compile the open tools (if you have your dependencies straightened out, this should be fast and easy):

  1. cd open-vm-tools-*/

  2. ./configure && make

Next, package up the compiled modules:

  1. cd modules/linux/

  2. for i in *; do mv ${i} ${i}-only; tar -cf ${i}.tar ${i}-only; done

  3. cd ../../../

  4. mv -f open-vm-tools-*/modules/linux/*.tar vmware-tools-distrib/lib/modules/source/

Finally, install the updated tools:

  1. cd vmware-tools-distrib

  2. ./vmware-install.pl

A few notes:

  1. If you disabled Shared Folders in your VM settings, you’ll see a message “Mounting HGFS shares: failed”. Just enable shared folders and reboot.

  2. [Appears fixed on latest tools] Networking does not seem to properly configure itself when on the default “roaming” mode. I’m honestly not sure what is wrong here, but switching it to manual configuration with DHCP or static IP works fine.

  3. While this was all done on Ubuntu 8.04, I expect it will work fine in the future for new Linux versions and distributions.




'리눅스' 카테고리의 다른 글

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[ubuntu] VFAT 파티션 부팅과 동시에 마운트 하기  (0) 2007.11.29
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[ubuntu] ientd & tftp 설치 주의

우분투에서 inetd를 이용한 tftpd 서비스를 올리라믄 패키지 선택을 주의해서 해야된다.
일단 inetd 패키지는 netkit-inetd로 하고, tftp daemon은 atftpd로 설치를 해야지~
inetd가 지대로 tftpd를 올려준다.
까탈스런 넘...

'리눅스' 카테고리의 다른 글

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[app]kiba dock 설치  (0) 2006.11.13
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[명령어] bc  (0) 2006.11.06

한영키 설정하기

설정 전에 xev를 실행시켜서 한영키, 한자키의 keycode를 알아낸다.
(내 노트북의 keycode는 한영키 : 113, 한자키 : 109였다.)

sudo setkeycodes 71 113
sudo setkeycodes 72 109
xmodmap -e "keycode 113 = Hangul"
xmodmap -e "keycode 109 = Hangul_Hanja"

그리고 ~/.Xmodmap에 다음의 내용을 추가한다.
keycode 113 = Hangul
keycode 109 = Hangul_Hanja

* 부팅할 대 적용하기
/etc/init.d/setkeycodes라는 파일을 만든다.
setkeycodes 71 113
setkeycodes 72 109

실행 퍼미션을 주고,
서비스에 등록 시킨다.
sudo update-rc.d setkeycodes start 99 5 .
(맨 끝에 "."에 주의)

ubuntu 14.04 부터 변경 사항

* ubuntu 14.04부터는 xmodmap에 대한 사용이 중단 되었다. 대신 xkb을 사용하는데, 이와 관련 된 파일들은 /usr/share/X11/xkb 에 있다.

* 한글키가 Alt_R로 인식 될 때의 변경 방법

  - xev로 한영키가  Alt_R로 인식되는 문제를 해결하기 위한 방법이다.

    • 관련 파일
      • /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/altwin
    • 수정 위치

// Meta is mapped to second level of Alt keys.
partial modifier_keys
xkb_symbols "meta_alt" {
    key <LALT> { [ Alt_L, Meta_L ] };
    key <RALT> { type[Group1] = "TWO_LEVEL",
                 symbols[Group1] = [ Alt_R, Meta_R ] };
    modifier_map Mod1 { Alt_L, Alt_R, Meta_L, Meta_R };
//  modifier_map Mod4 {};

    • 수정 내용
      • Alt_R, Meta_R을 Hangul로 변경해 준다.
    • 파일 수정 후 /var/lib/xkb/ 디렉토리 아래 파일들을 모두 지워 준 후 재부팅 한다.

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