로지텍 mx510 버튼 사용하기
리눅스 2006. 6. 24. 14:10
ubuntu 포럼에서 찾은 내용이지만, 다른 배포판에서도 거의 될 것 같은 느낌이...
포럼에는 usb형태로 쓸 경우를 가정하고 디바이스 장치부터 작업을 하지만, 난 kvm스위치를 쓰는 고로 ps/2방식으로 하겠다.
훌쩍~ 건너 뛰어서
$HOME/.Xmodmap 파일 안에
pointer = 1 3 2 4 5 8 9 6 7 10 11 ~ 32
까지 적어 넣으라고 나왔지만, 저렇게 하니 다음 단계에서 에러가 검출, 난 확 줄였다.
pointer = 1 3 2 4 5 8 9 6 7 10
파일을 저장한 다음에
xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap
하면 설정값을 읽어 들여서 현 시스템에 영향을 주는데, 나 같은 경우는 우버튼과, 휠버튼이 서로 바꼈더군,,
결국, 내 설정값은 이거란 말이지
pointer = 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 6 7
그 다음 내용은 사이드 버튼들을 노틸러스나 컹커러 등에서 쓸 수 있도록 설정해 주는 거다...
사실 위에까지만 해도 불여시에서 앞,뒤,휠스크롤, 휠버튼 까지 다 먹는다.
이어지는 내용은 CP
We can use "xvkbd" and "xbindkeys" to bind the side mouse buttons to
"ALT + LEFT" and "ALT + RIGHT" so they work as forward and backwards in
1. xvkbd and xbindkeys
Lets install "xvkbd" and "xbindkeys":
Next we need to create the configuration for them:
Now paste the following (Note: With some updates in the Dapper flights, the bath to xvkbd changed, please update your .xbindkeysrc accordingly):
Please note, the "L" and "R" from the words "left" and "right" in
the square brackets above should be capitalised, this seems like a bug
in the forums here that they don't display properly.
Make sure you keep the quote marks, save the file and run "xbindkeys"
in the terminal. It runs as a daemon in the background. You should now
be able to test if it works in Nautilus by using the side buttons it
also works in Epiphany if you use it.
Note: Same as before, if you have different mouse buttons use xev to
find out what number they are and change the "b:6" and "b:7" in the
above to the correct numbers.
1.1 Fixing the cruise control buttons
Install these three packages for "click" to compile:
Download this file: http://bg.rifetech.com/click.tgz
untar it to ~/click (or wherever you want, just remember the dir, you'll need it in the .xbindkeysrc)
then compile it:
Then add this to you .xbindkeysrc
2. Adding it to your session
Now it's working open up the gnome sessions settings "System >
Preferences > Sessions" click on the "Startup Programs" tab, click
"Add" and enter "xbindkeys". This makes sure it's run each time you log
in, you should probably test it by logging out and back in now. If you
aren't running GNOME, you will need to do it another way, e.g. in XFCE,
go to Xfce Menu -> Settings -> Autostarted Applications. (I
haven't tried it, but that should be where to go in XFCE)
포럼에는 usb형태로 쓸 경우를 가정하고 디바이스 장치부터 작업을 하지만, 난 kvm스위치를 쓰는 고로 ps/2방식으로 하겠다.
훌쩍~ 건너 뛰어서
$HOME/.Xmodmap 파일 안에
pointer = 1 3 2 4 5 8 9 6 7 10 11 ~ 32
까지 적어 넣으라고 나왔지만, 저렇게 하니 다음 단계에서 에러가 검출, 난 확 줄였다.
pointer = 1 3 2 4 5 8 9 6 7 10
파일을 저장한 다음에
xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap
하면 설정값을 읽어 들여서 현 시스템에 영향을 주는데, 나 같은 경우는 우버튼과, 휠버튼이 서로 바꼈더군,,
결국, 내 설정값은 이거란 말이지
pointer = 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 6 7
그 다음 내용은 사이드 버튼들을 노틸러스나 컹커러 등에서 쓸 수 있도록 설정해 주는 거다...
사실 위에까지만 해도 불여시에서 앞,뒤,휠스크롤, 휠버튼 까지 다 먹는다.
이어지는 내용은 CP
We can use "xvkbd" and "xbindkeys" to bind the side mouse buttons to
"ALT + LEFT" and "ALT + RIGHT" so they work as forward and backwards in
1. xvkbd and xbindkeys
Lets install "xvkbd" and "xbindkeys":
sudo apt-get install xvkbd xbindkeys
gedit ~/.xbindkeysrc
"/usr/bin/xvkbd -xsendevent -text "[Alt_L][left]""
m:0x0 + b:6
"/usr/bin/xvkbd -xsendevent -text "[Alt_L][right]""
m:0x0 + b:7
Please note, the "L" and "R" from the words "left" and "right" in
the square brackets above should be capitalised, this seems like a bug
in the forums here that they don't display properly.
Make sure you keep the quote marks, save the file and run "xbindkeys"
in the terminal. It runs as a daemon in the background. You should now
be able to test if it works in Nautilus by using the side buttons it
also works in Epiphany if you use it.
Note: Same as before, if you have different mouse buttons use xev to
find out what number they are and change the "b:6" and "b:7" in the
above to the correct numbers.
1.1 Fixing the cruise control buttons
Install these three packages for "click" to compile:
Download this file: http://bg.rifetech.com/click.tgz
untar it to ~/click (or wherever you want, just remember the dir, you'll need it in the .xbindkeysrc)
then compile it:
cd ~/click
Then add this to you .xbindkeysrc
"~/click/click 4"
m:0x0 + b:11
"~/click/click 5"
m:0x0 + b:12
2. Adding it to your session
Now it's working open up the gnome sessions settings "System >
Preferences > Sessions" click on the "Startup Programs" tab, click
"Add" and enter "xbindkeys". This makes sure it's run each time you log
in, you should probably test it by logging out and back in now. If you
aren't running GNOME, you will need to do it another way, e.g. in XFCE,
go to Xfce Menu -> Settings -> Autostarted Applications. (I
haven't tried it, but that should be where to go in XFCE)
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